Advanced Bodywork Specialist, supporting your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.


I have 30 years clinical experience and am absolutely passionate about sharing my knowledge, with integrity and compassion. I have the privilege of teaching advanced bodywork therapy both nationally and internationally. I am an expert in the field of fascia, pain, and trauma. I teach how to treat the whole system, the physical, emotional, and energetic body and all that manifests within. I founded School of Bodywork, in 2009 and continue to teach here as senior tutor on the Advanced Fascia Informed Bodywork Diploma.

The courses that I currently teach include:

  • Fascial Release for Emotional Holding Patterns

  • Advanced Fascia Informed Bodywork Diploma

  • Women’s Health Scar Tissue

  • Tinnitus and Migraine

  • Scoliosis, Lordosis, Kyphosis

Advanced Fascial Release Diploma

Trauma Informed Bodywork

  • “Your teaching and facilitation of learning emerges from a place of passion, empathy, intuition and sound knowledge. I am so grateful to have found you as my teacher.”


Please get in touch if you feel you would benefit from my support